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Guest Paging

Provide guests with a numbered pager, allowing them to wait nearby.

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Staff Paging

Maximize Productivity and Coordination Across Your Team.

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Charging Solutions

Give your guests the option to charge their phones conveniently at all times.

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Two-Way Motorola Radios

Two-Way Radios are an easy way to connect your staff and improve workflow.

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Around the world Salons & Spas rely on Pagertec’s guest paging systems. In today’s competitive spa and salon markets, you work hard to create the best experience for your clients. It’s all about relaxation. The better your guests feel, the better it is for business. Crowded waiting areas and noisy overhead PA systems are anything but relaxing, using one of our wireless pagers can solve that issue. Give customers the freedom to shop in the local retail area and not be restricted to a small waiting area. Later when they are need, they can quickly be notified by their technician when their session is ready to begin with the flash and vibration of our paging system.

Offer discreet, immediate, communication.
Provide reliable, personalized service.
Increase sales.
Improve customer response times.
Have a more tranquil atmosphere.
Increase operation speed.


Staff Paging for Spa & Salon With our spa staff paging systems you can improve overall communication within your business. Pagertec has paging systems that have descriptive text messaging to our compact spa staff pagers. Your team can be reached anywhere and with just the right message. This will help better your response times and efficiency. Looking for staff members is a thing of the past. When appointments arrive or issues arise, just use the staff pager to notify the employee that is needed. Pagertec has a system to improve communication between staff members to keep the facility a calm area.

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