Harrah´s Joliet Casino & Hotel
“Jackpot!” Imagine hitting the jackpot your very first try pulling the lever on the slotmachine during your trip to the casino. In spite of the fact that it’s not likely you’ll get iton your first try, it's the excitement of the possibility right? At Harrah’s Joliet Casino &Hotel, Caesars Entertainment joins two successful gaming leaders. CaesarsEntertainment and Eldorado Resorts have come together to create the largest and mostdiversified collection of destinations across the U.S.. At the Harrah’s Joliet Casino &Hotel you have a variety of different games to choose from such as slot machines,numerous table games, and they even have video poker. Whether you're a local in theJoliet, Illinois area or simply visiting from out of town, you can turn your casino trip into avacation and the whole family can enjoy the wonderful hotel at Harrah’s Joliet Casino &Hotel.

Harrah’s Joliet Casino & Hotel care about their team members and their guests. Makingsure the guests are always taken care of in a quick and efficient manner; the staffbelieves it helps the customer's experience remain a great one. With Harrah’s JolietCasino & Hotel being so popular, many businesses have taken the opportunity to hosttheir yearly events here. With such high volume traffic, it is difficult for the servers to findtheir customers when needed, especially if they are moving around the casino. A lot oftime is wasted trying to locate customers in other departments around the casino duringthese events and it ruins the customer experience of having great quality service. Themanagement team at Harrah’s began to do research on paging systems and cameacross Pagertec, CORP. Scrolling through the website, not really knowing which systemwould be best suited for their needs, they decided to reach out to our elite sales team tofind out which paging solution would be the right choice for them. Our salesrepresentatives are top tier when it comes to finding the perfect solution for you andyour business. After great deliberation, the decision of a guest paging solution wasagreed upon.

The SmartStack Evo is the latest generation of the Smartstack line. The Smartstack Evo has a modern and sleek design and will give your guests a peace of mind that theywill be paged every time. The Harrah’s Joliet Casino & Hotel were so relieved to havefound a solution to contacting their guests in a more uniform and organized manner.They have decided to go with the System of 100 SmartStack EVO with 2 calling points.The reasoning behind the 2 calling points is so the staff are able to call customers fromdifferent locations and have them report to the correct department via LED notificationsthat can be customized to either red, blue, or purple. This paging system is one of themost durable of the Smartstack line and is 100% waterproof, shock proof, and theyhave double the battery life. After receiving their equipment and using the systemthroughout their events, they noticed the staff being less frazzled when getting theorders out to their customers. It is much easier for them to assign the customer a pagerand have them report to the designated area once their order is ready.

Technology is taking over and has many benefits, especially for your business. AtPagertec CORP, we thrive on having the greatest paging and charging solutions foryou! Trust me when I say you’ve hit the JACKPOT with us!